“Searching” Review

By: Dakota Gordon Many presentations have been employed in the history of film: Black-and-white in the modern era, stop-motion animation, an entire film on an iPhone, etc. What else could be done in this current era of technological advancement, where almost every aspect of daily life involves an electronic in some capacity? Making a movie that never leaves a computer screen. That’s pretty neat. Searching … Continue reading “Searching” Review

September Music Releases

By: Priscilla Porter After what felt like forever, we’ve finally heard from Hozier. A new EP was released last Thursday, September 6th. It’s entitled Nina Cried Power, and has four songs: “Nina Cried Power,” “NFWMB,” “Moment’s Silence,” and Shrike. In my opinion, this album has more of an intense feel to it, compared to his previously published music. I hate to say it, but I … Continue reading September Music Releases

A Girl’s Guide to the NFL

By: Vanessa Forbes The world of pigskin, beer and brauts is upon us as laughter, joy, injuries, pain, misery and the destruction of everything your significant other holds dear has begun…it’s NFL football season, ladies.  Can you believe what my husband asked me the other day? “Are you ready to become a football widow?” My response was “Meh!” Ladies, if all else fails and you … Continue reading A Girl’s Guide to the NFL