
“Create your own civilization! Break the Laws of Evolution by building your own world! Explore the interactions and personal relationships of your very own creations as they imitate life. You can play God!” She bought the sand farm in a novelty store where she’d shopped with her father. “Just pick something, Lucinda! We haven’t all day!” The packaging came with an order form and instruction … Continue reading “Sandfarm”

Beyoncè and Adichie Force Awareness of American Culture

Most of the living world is aware of the secret album that was bestowed upon the human race in mid December of 2013 by the walking goddess who is Beyoncè. On said album, there is a track titled “***Flawless”, which features snippets of the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s 2013 TED Talk on feminism: “We teach girls to shrink themselves to make themselves smaller. We … Continue reading Beyoncè and Adichie Force Awareness of American Culture